Magic Manuscript Maker Typesetting Software

The Magic Manuscript Maker is a collection of open-source tools and scripts that help to automate the typesetting process of academic articles. The workflow is designed to be used in a Docker container and currently used by the Philosophy and the Mind Sciences journal. The individual tools are channeled through a web application called the "Magic Manuscript Maker", which allows to create user profiles and projects. However, the individual tools can also be used independently.

ReligionML Corpus Annotation for Machine Learning

The ReligionML project has set itself the task of creating an annotated text corpus for the study of religion. The corpus data consists of smaller text units (sentences, short paragraphs, tweets, etc.) which include central religious notions. These religious word fields and their syntactic/semantic embedding will be annotated on a word and sentence level. The final corpus should enable conducting research questions dealing with the use and meaning of central religious notions on both a qualitative and quantitative level.

A Quantitative Analysis of the Dissemination of Religious Notions in Contemporary English Texts

The project has set itself the task of quantitatively examining central religious concepts such as sacred, ritual, purity, but also religion in terms of their prevalence, use, and meaning in various social fields such as politics and art. From a theoretical perspective, the focus is on (de)sacralization processes (see Krech 2018) and the concept of the “religioid” coined by Simmel (see Tyrell 2018).

ARELINCO: Ancient Religion(s) in Contact: Contemporary Religious Phenomena and Their Ancient Predecessors

Das Lehrforschungsprojekt „Ancient RELigion(s) IN COntact“ (ARELINCO) ermöglicht interessierten Studierenden aus den Bereichen der Religionswissenschaft, Geschichtswissenschaft, Archäologie, Philologie sowie verwandter Disziplinen, die historische Religionsforschung mit den Bereichen des Online-Publishings und Wissenstransfers zu verbinden. Die Studierenden sollen dabei ein studentisches Lehrforschungsprojekt mit dem thematischen Schwerpunkt „Religionskontakt zwischen Ost und West“ durchführen und dieses online auf einer gemeinsamen Projekt-Webseite publizieren. Das Forschungsprojekt richtet sich dabei an fortgeschrittene B.A.- sowie M.A.- Studierende, die entsprechende Vorkenntnisse in den für das eigene Projekt relevanten Fachbereichen mitbringen und Interesse daran haben, ihre historische Religionsforschung mit den Bereichen Wissenstransfer und Digital Humanities zu verbinden.